Choosing a Labrador Puppy

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Choose your Labrador puppy well

Although the breed’s natural characteristics contribute much to making Labrador training fairly easy, it is still important for you to choose your Labrador puppy well. You might think that choosing a puppy only involves picking the cutest one out of the bunch or choosing the puppy with the colour that you like best, but there is actually a lot more to consider than that. In fact, every dog breed has a certain standard that should serve as guidelines when you choose a puppy. Here is a brief outline to help you choose a Labrador puppy that is sure to be a healthy and happy dog.

– Choose a Labrador puppy that has a large head with a broad skull and a well-defined stop.

– Make sure that the puppy’s ears rest close to his head, but far from his face. A Labrador’s ears are neither heavy nor large; rather, they complement the dog’s features perfectly. A healthy Labrador’s ears will have light pink skin on the inside and no traces of foul odour, scabbing, or other irregularities.

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Puppy’s eyes should have an alert look

– Choose a puppy that has large, round, dark or hazel eyes. The eyes should have an alert, friendly, and intelligent look. They should also be clear and free from any traces of tearing.

– Your puppy should have a black nose with wide and distinguished nostrils. Make sure that his nostrils are free of mucus.

– Make sure that the dog’s jaws are strong and that his teeth form a perfect scissor bite. His upper teeth should overlap the bottom teeth a little bit.

– Choose a puppy that has a strong and well-developed chest. His back should be level and his ribs well-sprung. His body should be well-proportioned and balanced.

A healthy Labrador puppy

– A healthy Labrador puppy has a tail that is thick at the base and gradually tapers at the tip. His tail is smooth and coated in fur, without any traces of feathering. His tail shouldn’t hang down or curl over his back.

– Your Labrador should have strong-boned forelegs and well-developed back legs that have turned stifles. Both sets of legs should neither turn in nor turn out.

– Choose a puppy that has round and compact feet, with well-developed pads and arched toes. The feet should not turn in or out.

– You should also make sure that the Labrador has a balanced and carefree gait. Although puppies naturally walk in an awkward manner, it is still relatively easy to spot if a puppy favours one leg or paw when he walks. This could be a sign of a defect in a Labrador puppy.

– One of the most distinctive features of a Labrador is its coat. His undercoat, which is unseen, is water-resistant. His topcoat is dense, short, and straight. Make sure that your puppy’s coat does not wave or curl and that it doesn’t feel rough to the touch. You should also check to make sure that your puppy does not have bald patches.

A healthy Labrador has smooth skin

– A healthy Labrador has smooth skin that is free from blemishes, scabs, or bumps. A Labrador’s skin may be pale pink, brown, or spotted.

– Of course, you may be looking at puppies that are still too young to show real signs of the breed standard. In this case, it is a good idea to get a good look at the pup’s parents in order to get an idea of what your chosen pup will look like when it grows older.

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B42 2JW

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